Thursday, March 1, 2018

Beauty Blender For Only P150.00 (Miine Makeup Blender Review)

two pieces Miine makeup blender in colors pink and blue
Two pieces Miine beauty blender

Beauty blender? Hmm..., this is a well-loved tool in the beauty industry, where everyone is using it to blend out their makeup, especially foundations. But I have a love and hate relationship when it comes to using it, and especially when washing it (lol, can you relate?). I know some of you feel the same way I do, because often times, it's a pain in the ass washing this egg sponge to get out the gunk from it (I feel like doing 10x biceps curls washing this egg sponge, lol). 

I have a few beauty blender that I bought from Daiso, Gladkings, and LA girl, but none of them wows me, I don't feel any mutual connection to this beauty blenders everytime I used them. Until I found my "impulsive beauty blender" ( I just want to call it that way because I just bought it without the intention of using it, I just bought it because it's cheap.) So, enough with the rumbling and let's get it on with the beauty blender.

Two pieces Miine beauty blender in colors pink and blue.
2 pieces Miine beauty blender in pink and blue

I found this Miine 2pcs blending sponges in Watsons, and it only cost me P150.00. I think this is a good steal product because 2pcs of beauty blender for P150.00?Yass please bring it to mama!

I don't know what to call the style of the blue one but yeah it's still a beauty blender, and the pink one it's the traditional style of a beauty blender which is the egg type.

Both of these beauty blenders are expandable ones soaked in the water.,but they are not the same in texture, and they don't give the same finished when used to blend foundations.

The blue beauty blender is firmer than the pink beauty blender. I guess it's because of its shape that is why it is denser than the pink one.  You need to put more work and effort when using the blue blender because it's not soft enough to bounce the product on the skin. In short, it's not a great beauty blender to use when applying foundation.

Miine beauty blender in color blue
Miine makeup blender in color blue

On the other hand, the pink beauty blender is the bomb between the two. It has the right texture, softness, and size of a beauty blender and I love it.

Miine Makeup Blender  in color pink
Miine Makeup Blender in color pink 

I tried using this sponge to blend my EB Advance Shine-free Makeup Foundation, and it blends my foundation so well like an airbrush finish. And the awesome thing about this beauty blender is surprisingly it's very easy to wash with water even without soap.

If you want to see this beauty blender in action, you can watch my Ever Biena One Brand Makeup Tutorial HERE. In the video, I used the pink beauty blender to apply my foundation.

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